
Why has Spirit of the Pharaoh started as a book and graphic novel?

Answer: Because the writer and creator (Terry Jervis) is a comic book fan as well as a TV producer and film-maker. He wanted to use the medium of storytelling through book publishing to launch the idea.

Fact: Did you know that comic books and graphic novels are like movie scripts story boards?

Here are some stories you might recognise, or not known, started in the comic book format and was subsequently made in to films or TV shows – from superheroes to gangsters

Akira, American Splendor, Avengers, Barbarella, Batman: The Dark Night, Black Panther, Cloak & Dagger, From Hell, Iron Man, Kick Ass, Luke Cage, Men in Black, Oblivion, Road to Perdition, Sabrina: The Teenage WItch, Superman, Spider-Man, 2 guns, X-Men.